Sunday, January 27, 2008

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On...

Recently as I drove through rural Eastern North Carolina I found myself scanning the radio listening for something. The first lyrics which caught my attention were, "C'mon over baby whole lotta shakin' going on..." I listened to the song for a few seconds and then hit the seek button again in search of something different. After a brief pause on the next station I hit seek once more and again heard the phrase, "C'mon over baby whole lotta shakin' goin on." Intrigued, I listened for a few more minutes to the lyrics before turning down the radio to think more about the words I had just heard twice. As I quietly drove through the east Carolina night I smiled at the simple ways that God often speaks to us that which is profound.

There is a whole lotta shakin' goin' on right now. So much so that at times during the last few years I've wanted to opt out and find something a bit more normal, something safer and more predictible. Yet on the other hand I have known that to do so would violate something deep inside of me, something in my DNA, that identifies me as being created to thrive in the midst of significant change during a key hour of human history. So I've been at war with myself - searching for a way forward. Through this war I'm learning a lot about myself and about God's commitment to reparent me so that I don't just survive this period of transition, but that I learn how to thrive and be life giving in the midst of it.

I know that some of you are wrestling with the same battles and I have decided to write in hopes that my journey will inspire you to keep going - to seek and find that place where your spirit comes alive and you know fulfillment in your innermost places. That is my desire!


Joanna Chappell said...

Hello Buckwalters!!!!!!!!
soooo good to see you on blogspot...somehow I "stummbled" across your page and it makes me miss you two soo much!!!! guys are in our thoughts alot and sometime..would love to catch up...we love you and take care, jon and joanna

Heather said...

The fact that you heard those words twice reminds me of Hebrews 13 where it says, "Yet once more....will I shake the Heavens and the Earth..." "Yet once more" means it happens more than you heard it twice.

As I learn more about the culture of this region, I am coming to understand the tremendous price you have paid as you grappled to understand and be faithful to the things the Lord was dropping into your spirit. There are still huge parts of the story that I don't even know, but I am sooooo grateful for the fact that you were willing to pay a price to be who you are - and I know you needed rest, and even retreat, in a certain season - but your breakthroughs gave and will give hope to others who are called to a similar journey - and will bring life to those who don't even know they need it - I bless you Matt, and I bless you Naomi, I bless your spirits in the name of Jesus - and I honor your spirits from the depths of my heart...

jed said...

watch the 'john adams' trailer on my site.

i wish we could get together and watch these together.


love you matt.

jed said...
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