Friday, May 11, 2007

Navigating this Stretch of the Journey

I enjoy watching a successful struggle. I recently watched my six-month-old nephew, Silas, attempt to roll over. I could tell as I watched him that he had all the necessary tools required to accomplish his goal, yet he couldn't quite do it. A few days later I was with his father as he shared with great joy the news that Silas had just rolled over for the first time. It was a simple achievement, yet the pleasure this brought his father was immense.

As I have been living among the community watching during this time of transition I have been watching a similar picture develop - a struggle - a wrestling to do something I know that we are equipped to do. The task is simple to explain - move through a never-before-seen part of the journey into the next phase of our destiny. The challenge is that we have not done this exact thing before, that alone surfaces many previously unconquered fears which seem to cry out "it would be easier to turn back". Father is so into scenarios like this. I believe that He relishes the opportunity to watch His children use what He has invested into their lives to solve problems they have not previously overcome.

During the last several years one of the skills that God has worked diligently to develop in each of us is that of discernment. That was wisdom, as we are presently standing on the cusp of a series of decisions which demand that we use those skills of discernment to apprehend appropriate perspective for this hour. Our ability to lay hold of right discernment of the events of our lives and this region over the last few years will ultimately shape the choices that we make which will determine the direction of the next several years of our lives. Sound heavy? Not to worry, Father has invested a great deal into us, He is betting on us and if we choose to lay our fears aside, we will find the wisdom we need to move forward with passion, purpose and a deep sense of fulfillment.

Last night I spent time listening to Cindy Lapp wrestle through her own understanding of what has happened in Lancaster City, Gemeinschaft and Harbinger and what it means to her. I did not allow her to stop after she posed some profound questions about God and exposed some of her own hurts and fears, instead I invited her to answer the questions she had raised based on what she has learned to know about God during the last few years. As she surfed through a variety of emotions and questions she discovered gold - truth about the character of God - truth that she needs to have to go where she is going next. I thanked God as I watched this unfold. I realize that many of us are presently standing at this crossroads wrestling with what the last two years mean and how we move forward. Don't misjudge this - What an opportunity - God has set us in a place to show off His wisdom through us - He wants to make us look good in this hour as we move from where we are into what is next.

So if you are struggling - celebrate that - it means that you are on the verge of a breakthrough. Father is watching over us with the knowledge that we have all we need, He is waiting on us - to step out, to move toward our fears and simultaneously our destinies! He is waiting to celebrate over us when we "roll over"! So don't be afraid - move toward your fears with the knowledge that you have everything you need to do what is that you want and need to do in this hour!

A few other steps:

Take time with people - shut off the movies and share your heart, your fears and your questions - lets help each other hear the wisdom of God!

Take time with people - if you are still nursing old wounds - deal with them - there is no reason for you to take those things where you are headed.

Speak life - take time to share your heart with those you know are planning to leave.

We are doing it guys! This is an awesome time of transition!

Moving toward my fears and embracing this transition!


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